15 Terms Your Pay-Per-Click Consultant Should Make Sure You Know

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Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is pretty much self-explanatory. It is known as an online marketing tool which directs more traffic to your website.The advertiser only pays if, and when somebodyclicks on their Ad. For a lot of people, this type of service can get overwhelming and time consuming. They look for an expert to a
158217439ssist them and more often than not, these Pay-Per-Click Consultants use a lot of industry language that most PPC beginners may not understand. You then walk away not sure you even understand how the process works.

Well, I am here to help! In order to fully benefit from your PPC campaign, I have compiled a list of 15 important terms that your Pay-Per-Click Consultant should make sure you know and understand.The following terms create the foundation for PPC campaigns and are essential to the success of yours:

  1. ROI (Return on Investment): A measure of how much profit you make for a particular advertising investment.
  2. CTR (Click-Through-Rate): The percentage of people who see an ad and click it.
  3. Conversion Rate: Refers to the number of visitors to your site that buy what you offer or they give crucial information that will help convert a visitor into a buyer.
  4. AdWords: Google’s Pay-Per-Click platform, which shows ads on Google, AOL, Ask.com, and multiple custom search engines.
  5. Ad Group: A given class of keywords within which a given ad is classified. The ad can fall in a multiple of such like classes.
  6. Geo-Targeting: In a campaign,this is setting your ads to appear in a certain city, state, or country. Also called “Local Matching”.
  7. Landing Page: The immediate page the visitor lands on after clicking your ad.
  8. Paid Inclusion: This is a chargeable service that helps to determine whether a web page is indexed or not.
  9. Unique Visitor: This is a specific person who visits a specific Web site. If this person visits the Web site 10 times in a single day, this person is still considered only one unique visitor, not 10
  10. Click Fraud: Activity that occurs in PPC advertising when an ad is repeatedly clicked by a person, group of people, or some type computer program or software.
  11. Broad Match: This is the keyword that matches the method by through which an ad will be identified with similar searches that are specific to given keywords.
  12. Keyword Matching: It is used to mean the various methods that used in matching your ad with keywords that are entered at the search engines.
  13. Negative Match: A form of “keyword matching” in which ads are never matched with searches that include the specified negative keyword
  14. Minimum Bid: This is the least amount of money which a PPC search engine permits advertisers to bid in relation to a given keyword.
  15. Ad Extensions: This expands your ad by providing more links that are relevant to it.The keywords are located below the ad which enables visitors to follow them after seeing the ad.
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