If you are going to spend the money on pay per click marketing, you need to have a ninja PPC consultant in the background. The tricks to finding a ninja to do the work for you is to be sure someone is going to run everything from behind the scenes efficiently so you can enjoy the desired return on investment.
The secrets of a ninja consultant are all about knowing the ins and outs of Google Adwords and online advertising laws to ensure that everything is done by the book – as well as some techniques to help with the overall management process.
Metrics and analysis is of the utmost importance. When you choose a pay per click consultant, you need to be confident that they know what they are doing – and asking how they track records is important. You need to be sure they are obsessive-compulsive with analytics and they do the necessary split-testing to discover what does and does not work.
Maintaining a budget is critical. If you had an unlimited budget, it wouldn’t matter who you chose because you could spend top dollar. However, that’s not the case and you need to work with someone who is going to make your dollar go farther. This includes increasing your return on investment and (hopefully) lowering the cost per click.
There are some other skills that a good consultant is going to have:
– Good copywriting skills
– Knowledge of web design
– Understands online marketing strategies
– Fast turnaround
Only a ninja in pay per click marketing will be able to combine all of these skills in order to provide benefit to you. There are many different companies that like to show off what they can do, but not everyone will be able to deliver results. You should see an impact on your spending budget and your site traffic quickly when working with a good consultant.
Find out about the track record for a consultant before working with them. Any good ninja will be proud to show off their mad marketing skills – and if they don’t, you have to question why.