You have a small business and maybe you have a website. It may be a website that was built by a cousin, employee or a friend. Perhaps you are starting a new business and need some help sorting through this new maze of online marketing tactics and terms.
Yes, things have changed quickly. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies have changed, Social Media Marketing tactics have been adjusted, and even how people access the internet has changed. PEW Research indicates about 60% of us in the United States now access the internet through smart phones.
Don’t Panic! There is Good News…
The good news is that a redesigned website from an experienced team can get you back on the right track. There is more good news. As a business owner, you should know some basics, but you don’t need to know everything. Following this 5 point cheat sheet will help.
- Your website should still be the foundation of your internet presence. It is the hub of which everything else rotates.
- You’ll hear companies talk about SEO. These are simply best practice tactics that can be used to help potential customers find you on the internet using Google and other search engines. A talented team of SEO pros can get you above your competition in these searches.
- You may hear about the importance of “Content Marketing”. This is providing helpful and pertinent content to your prospects so they will view you as the expert in your industry. This can be done through blogs, email, videos and more. They should all be linked to, or be a part of, your redesigned site.
- People who view your website are increasingly viewing it on much smaller screens via mobile devices. These users are also looking for more direct information. Your website redesign should be done to address these users.
- About 60% of adult Americans have a Facebook page. Facebook is just one social media platform you should be ready to address with your website redesign. Your site must interact with all of your social media.
So, remember, your website is the hub of your online marketing. All your activities must use solidSEO tactics. Include “Content Marketing” strategies and be sure your site is designed mobile friendly. Tie-in social media with your site and you will have at least the basics covered.
Have questions or need help? Feel free to contact us!