Google Ad Words is an affordable way to maximize your qualified traffic-from the Google search engine. When advertising with Google Ad Words, you are able to set an advertising budget and only pay for the advertising when your ad is clicked on. The ad will be shown when a keyword is searched for, it triggers the ad to display. You can set further restrictions such as broad, relevant, or exact keyword phrases.
Different ways to split test within your Adwords Campaign
Once you get your campaign off the ground and running, you will want to start split testing ads. A good way to split test ads (depending on the target market) is to add a sense of urgency within the ad; phrases such as a limited time only, or act now often invoke more of a sense of urgency and a desire to click on the ad. When split-testing you want to try different ad copies, as well as targeting specific devices. If you split test your desktop traffic and mobile traffic you can see which provides you a better ROI, as well as test the different ad copies on each set of traffic.
Optimizing Your Adwords Bid to Decrease Your Cost Per Click (CPC)
When you initially setup your campaign you decided whether you wanted to do the bidding or the system did the bidding for you. It is imperative that if you want to maximize your ROI that you optimize your campaign as much as possible to increase your CTR. While split testing your ads, you should be set to manually bid as well. Pay close attention to which ads are getting the most impressions and highest CTR, you will want to start lowering your bid a penny to no more than a nickel at a time. Doing this slowly overtime can help you keep your high ad position while you decrease your CPC. Practice this method with caution, because if you lower it too much, you can lose your ad position which can lead you to paying more in bids just to get it back.
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