5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Google AdWords

In the age of digital marketing, using Google AdWords seems confusing and extremely advanced. Howeve
ThinkstockPhotos-168810430r, knowing which tools to use can make the difference between a lost expense and large new customer acquisition rates. Take advantage of the following AdWords features for improving your digital marketing campaigns.

Share Your Library

You can share your bid strategies, budgets, ads, audiences, and remarketing lists across your account. This enables you to create new ad campaigns without completely reentering your existing bid strategies, keyword plans, or other aspects of your campaign. This will improve you efficiency and make the creation of marketing campaigns simple.

Take Advantage of Re targeting

When a visitor has previously visited your site, he or she will be more likely to return to your site if an ad appears in the screen. Adjust your bid settings for customers who have previously visited your site. This will save you money and increase new customer acquisition and customer retention rates.

Run an Auctions Insights Report

This report allows you to see how your pages will match up against your competitors. For example, you can run the report to determine how a given keyword will affect your ranking, such as Average Position in ranking, Overlap Rate, and Impression Shares. This can help you select which campaigns or pages need to be optimized before you spend money on other AdWords tools.

Allow Dynamic Keyword Insertions

When a visitor enters a search term into the search engine, the resulting pages are indexed, and your headline can be what drives a potential customer to or away from your site. Dynamic keyword insertions allow AdWords to change your headlines to something a visitor will be more likely to click on. For example, a page about repairing old bikes may be changed into “How-To Replace Your Bike’s Inner Tube” for the keyword bike inner tube replacement.

Use Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions give you the ability to provide more information to potential customers when your ad appears, which increases your visibility against competitor ads. For example, add your contact information, promotional pricing, or reviews of your products or services to your ad.  Even if a visitor doesn’t click on your ad, he or she may take down your information.

By using these five features of Google AdWords, your marketing campaigns will run smoothly and efficiently.

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About the Author

Though his chief ambition is to one day control the entire Internet, Jim busies himself in the meantime running our little web development and marketing agency. He's a certified super nerd who ranks coding in old, outdated languages and watching Star Trek reruns just a bit too high on his list of fun things to do. Outside of work, Jim enjoys Hockey (Tampa Bay Lighning, to be specific), more genres of music than most people realize exist, riding his Harley (he calls it "two wheel therapy") and exploring the world through travel.