With the shopping season starting to taking off again, small business owners are cherishing the gift of increased cash flow coming through their doors. In a survey by Manta, almost 75% of entrepreneurs say they are positive about their upcoming sales, and over 60% say their sales are already steady or improving.
However in true entrepreneurial spirit, they still want more. So what do you think topped the list of things entrepreneurs would like to receive this upcoming holiday season? I bet it comes as no surprise that it consisted of electronics and more money.
Without further ado, here are the 10 things that top small business owners holiday wish lists:
1. New computer
2. Marketing materials/free advertising
3. A Social Media manager
4. Additional clients or customers / Increased business
5. Money or a gift certificate to be used for business purposes
6. Branding Advice / Consultation
7. New employees
8. Latest Smartphone
9. Tablet
10. Internet marketing / SEO Help
Other common responses were “A clone of myself” and “more time” which I am sure we can all relate to.
Here’s a little bonus, to help make some of these wishes come true!
For the advertisement, marketing and electronics on the list, start planning now! Each week, dedicate a certain dollar amount to go towards updated technology and/or marketing for your business. Even if you can’t save up the entire investment, get a healthy down payment ready for major purchases. Remember to also keep your eyes open for “No Interest Financing” offers or businesses that offer fair payment plans. Take into account how increased marketing or having better technology could impact your bottom line by enabling you to capture more leads, sales, improve your presentations and client interactions, then you will see how quickly these investments can pay for themselves. When selecting a marketing firm, seek one that employs a team with diverse skills that can help guide you through the sometimes mind-boggling world of internet marketing. The wide variety of choices in online marketing services can be confusing but a good team will meet with you, discuss your options and help you decide what is best for your business.
We know we’re a little early but we couldn’t wait! Here’s a little gift from us to you to help with your website SEO!