Could there be anything more generic than a contact form? It is generally unappealing as a rule, and it has a meager conversion rate. It makes sense based on those facts that your contact page needs some enhancements in order to be more effective. Here are some ideas that will keep users from exiting your contact page.
Connect Through Social Media
The impact of social media in today’s age of short attention spans and distractions cannot be understated. If a customer is interested enough in your company to visit your contact page, then give them a way to stay connected through social media. Make sure that your company has a presence on a range of social media platforms. Icons placed somewhere on your contact us page lets the user choose the platform they use the most to follow your company.
Survey You Customer
Although surveys take more time for users to fill out, they have the highest conversion rate of any contact form. Surveys also let you mine data from a customer to give your company valuable insights into what type of customer it is attracting. The key in getting the most out of a survey is to keep it short. No one wants to spend fifteen minutes answering questions, no matter how compelling the company. Longer ing surveys will lead to lower conversion rates.
Use the Right Call to Action
Most people who deal with inbound marketing know there is a certain amount of psychology involved. Customers will be repelled by certain words in a call to action while others draw them in. Finding the right words for your call to action is more of an art than a science so you may have to do some experimenting to find the correct combination. Words like “submit” or “send” have been shown to have a negative connotation while words like “begin” or “go” have been seen in a more positive light.
Colors Matter
Research has shown that certain types of people respond to certain colors. Make sure to find out what colors stimulate your target demographics and use them on your contact page. Anything that makes the user feel comfortable is going to increase the likelihood of the contact form being completed.
Aesthetics goes hand in hand with your sites color scheme. Make sure to use photos or imagery that appeal to the demographic you are targeting. If you are marketing to Baby Boomers, you will use different art than if you are marketing to Millennials. Even if you don’t use photos and imagery aimed at a specific group, the website should be appealing. A customer is more likely to complete a contact form if the page it is on is bright and vibrant as opposed to austere.
List Locations
When a user looks at your contact page, it is essential to provide the most ways possible to reach your company. If you have a presence in more than one state or country, list those locations with as much information as possible including phone, email, fax, and address. If your company has retail locations, you will want to include the street address and suite number (if applicable). If your company manufactures a product, you may want to exclude street address to prevent walk-ins arriving at the plant’s front door.
These are just a few ideas that can punch up your contact page. Taking time to improve your contact page is vital to gaining new customers. Make sure to visit websites of companies in the same industry or field as yours. Pay attention to how the contact page is set up for the most successful companies and adapt yours accordingly. With a little bit of time and effort, your contact page conversion rate is certain to improve.
Let MosierData help you improve your conversion rate by updating your Contact Page.