You are probably familiar with networking to find advance your career or to find a job after being let go by your employer, but did you realize that your network of friends and associates can drive traffic to your website? Think about the number of potential customers that you come into contact with at events and functions and how they can be leveraged to improve your website’s SEO. It’s an often-untapped resource; let’s take a look at how you can use your network to drive traffic to your site.
Accept Invitations
The more you can interact with potential customers and peers who can give you assistance, the more opportunities you have to connect with them. This contact will enable you to talk about your website with people, some of whom may visit on their mobile device while you are talking with them. Make sure that when you attend a convention, show, or other function; you come equipped with business cards that have your company’s web address on them.
If you have a booth at a trade show, make sure that your web address is prominently displayed on banners or signs. Some companies opt to use their web address on signage and banners as opposed to the company name to cultivate more visits to their website. If you can make a deal with another company related to your industry or field, make arrangements for them to display your web address on their website, and in turn, your website will display their web address. If you are taking a company vehicle to an event, make sure that your web address is clearly visible somewhere on it.
Join Trade Associations
Joining a trade association is an excellent way to get your company’s name out there. Just as with conventions and trade shows, it allows you to network with potential allies, and get the web addresses of competitors so you can check out their websites and benchmark them. It is essential to be aware of your competition and to stay one step ahead of
If their sites are more user-friendly or have more engaging content than yours, chances are their search engine rankings are also higher. Search their name to see what SERP rankings they get, if it is higher than yours, find out why. Remember, your competition never rests; neither should your website. Update content often and make sure it is optimized for mobile devices in order to keep pace or pass your competitors.
Speak at Events
If you have someone in your company who is a skilled public speaker, then offer to have them speak at trade shows or conventions. Your company is sure to be more visible when there are hundreds of people listening to them talk. The speaker should mention your web address at least three times without it seeming unnatural. Studies have shown that people remember something repeated three times more easily than when it is just repeated once. Again this will allow you to distribute business card once the speaker has finished, so make sure to send an adequate supply.
Volunteering Leads to Visibility
Many companies will send employees to help organizations such as Habitat for Humanity or like the Red Cross after a disaster. Make sure that your company’s employees wear shirts with your web address on them where it can be easily read. Why not turn that goodwill into website visits? Obviously, website visits should not be the main reason your company volunteers, but there may be potential customers, even among other volunteers. In this case, helping others will help you.
Using these offline networking opportunities to promote your website can help your website’s SEO rankings online.