Which Platforms Are Best for Selling Your Products?

Which Platforms Are Best for Selling Your Products?

If you are about to embark on a venture starting an e-commerce business, you probably have questions. One likely question is which platforms are best for selling your products? That is an important question because not all e-commerce platforms are equal. Other questions need to be answered before you chose an e-commerce platform.

What Are Your Goals in E-Commerce?

What is your goal in e-commerce? Are you a part-time business that has been selling on E-Bay and is looking to expand, but remains part-time? Are you looking to sell glass jars to a global market and have purchased a facility and equipment to move thousands of units each month? Maybe you are selling digital products that are downloadable and seek to have a million downloads in a year. You need to consider what your goals are in order to pick the right e-commerce platform.

Staying Small

If you are selling hand made purses or hand-carved sculptures you may want to use an existing marketplace. What are some marketplaces where you can sell your product?

  • Amazon
  • Etsy
  • E-Bay
  • Walmart

These are best for smaller, part-time sellers. However, your business can grow rapidly on any of these marketplaces. Once your business grows past a small, part-time, operation, you will want to expand to your own e-commerce market. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular e-commerce platforms and which is a good fit for your company.

Choose the Platform That Fits Your E-Commerce Needs


Shopify is a great pick for people who have no experience with e-commerce and don’t have anyone with technical expertise on staff. It is a turnkey platform that makes it easy to get started. This platform is a good option for smaller e-commerce business just starting out and are selling a physical product. It also has 24-hour support, including weekends. This site has over a million stores and is a favorite of social media influencers who sell things like cosmetics and clothes. Unlike its closest competitor, BigCommerce, it does not have monthly sales limits. It also has three different pricing levels based on your needs as an e-commerce retailer.


If you are using WordPress, then WooCommerce is a no-brainer. This site is free to install on WordPress and is easily customizable. There is no need to go with another outside platform when you have an e-commerce plugin that works with WordPress. This is excellent for online stores selling digital products due to the number of plugins available on WordPress that can aid in their business. It is also popular with those selling physical goods, and the fact it now is used by 30% of all online users reflects that fact.


If you are a multimillion-dollar business that sells anything from televisions to shoes and have needs that smaller e-commerce companies do not, then Magento is the platform for you. It has solutions for the type of issues that a large e-commerce company faces. It also boasts over 1000 themes and extensions. Magento is also at the forefront of e-commerce innovation for mobile devices. Be warned, it cost $20,000 a year to use, so if you are not a large company, it is too costly. But if you are a large company looking for an easy to use e-commerce platform that can accommodate your needs, Magento is the platform for you.

Need Help Choosing a Platform?

If you are starting a foray into e-commerce and have questions and want assistance in finding the right platform for your company, contact us. Call us or fill out our simple online contact form. Let Mosier Data help you choose what works best for your e-commerce business. Get started today!

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About the Author

Though his chief ambition is to one day control the entire Internet, Jim busies himself in the meantime running our little web development and marketing agency. He's a certified super nerd who ranks coding in old, outdated languages and watching Star Trek reruns just a bit too high on his list of fun things to do. Outside of work, Jim enjoys Hockey (Tampa Bay Lighning, to be specific), more genres of music than most people realize exist, riding his Harley (he calls it "two wheel therapy") and exploring the world through travel.