When most inbound marketers think about driving traffic to their website, they think of search engine optimization (SEO) an pay per click advertising (PPC). While SEO and PPC are the most effective methods to drive traffic to your website, they are not the only ones. Often overlooked are offline methods to drive traffic to your site. There are many low or no-cost opportunities to attract visitors to your website away from the virtual world. Here are some effective ways to drive traffic to your website offline.
Make Sure Your Web Address is Visible Everywhere
Putting your website on things that are visible to your customers is an effective way to reach them. Don’t stop with your web address; make sure to put the icons of the social media accounts you have on everything as well. The idea is to achieve recognition and customer memorization much in the same way repetitive advertising works. Here are just a few of the multitude of items you can print your web address on.
- Customer Statements
- Business Cards
- Product Brochures
- Envelopes
- Signs
- Banners
- Billboards
- Company Vehicles
- Boxes
- Print Ads.
- Reminder Cards
- Your products.
As you can see, there is no shortage of items your web address should be printed on things that customers have to read make the most sense. Print your web address on the back of a statement envelope and on the statement itself. Printing the web address on the sides and back of a company vehicle ensure they will be read while sitting in traffic or a parking lot. If you are running an ad on a billboard or newspaper, always include your web address for maximum views.
Promotional Items
Promotional items are another way you can drive traffic to your website. If your company regularly attends trade shows, conventions, or community events using promotional items can make sure that your website address is seen. One thing to consider when giving out promotional items is its usefulness and the cost. If the item is basically junk that is going to be thrown away, is it worth putting your web address on it? Conversely, if you are giving out high-quality promotional items that cost more than something like a PPC campaign, are you really going to get the same return on investment? Here are some promotional items that are useful and won’t break your budget.
- Pens
- Water Bottles
- Totes
- Portable Phone Chargers
- Hats
- T-shirts
- Post its
- Letter Openers
- Coffee Mugs
- Magnets with Calendars.
- Picture Frames
- Calendars
- Cell Phone Covers
- Golf Balls
- Sunglasses
- Umbrellas
- Blankets
- Flashlights
- Pocket Knives.
If your company sells to a specific field or industry, tailoring your promotional products to that field makes sense. Whatever promotional product you choose, make sure your web address is easily readable on it.
Television and Radio Advertisements
If you are advertising on television or radio you can reach thousands of customers at once, millions if you are a larger company and have the advertising budget. When running a television ad, make sure your web address is visible at the end and is on the screen long enough to be read by viewers. If you are using a spokesperson from your company, wearing a shirt or hat with the web address on it throughout the TV commercial. If you are running a radio ad and want to drive traffic to your website, be sure that you mention the web address three times during the ad in order for customers to remember it.
Does Your Website Get Enough Traffic?
If your website does not get enough traffic, we can help. Mosier Data helps companies like yours every day with their websites through design, maintenance and search optimization. Call us today or fill out our online contact form. Don’t settle for minimal website traffic anymore!