Why You Should Focus on Your Website’s UX in 2020

If you have not gotten on board with making your company’s website user experience (UX) focused, then you are going to fall behind your competitors in customer satisfaction and ultimately, conversion. If you’re not convinced yet, here is why you should focus on your website’s UX in 2020.

Google Crawls Sites Differently

Google no longer crawls websites in the way they used to in the past. According to Search Engine Journal, Google now focuses on user intent over old fashioned keywords. What does that mean for your website? It means that you should be focused on providing high-quality content over trying to fit a certain number of keywords in a paragraph. If you are using too many keywords in your content, then you will be penalized by Google. Once you have landed on Google’s blacklist, it is not an easy thing to get off of it. For that reason alone, it is wise to use UX focused content.

UX Helps Profits

One of the most common reasons that consumers return to e-commerce sites is the ease of use. Think about your own online shopping habits. Do you prefer a website that is simple or cluttered? Would you scroll through three pages and fill out two forms to make a purchase, or would you bounce and choose another site to purchase what you want, even at a higher cost? The answer is obvious; no one likes having to jump through hoops to make a purchase. UX streamlines the shopping and checkout process so that your customer can purchase your product in as few steps as possible. Usability will bring about higher profits because a customer is likely to return to make additional purchases.


It’s a new decade if you still have not optimized your site for mobile devices you are really behind the times. There have been countless studies showing the increase of purchases being made on a smartphone or tablet; in fact, in just a few years, the majority of purchases online will be made via a mobile device. Not only will it be annoying to your customers when they visit your site on their smartphone, but it will also make you seem out of touch and obsolete. Having your website optimized for mobile use should be one of your top priorities in 2020.

Good UX Can Build Customer Loyalty and Your Brand at the Same Time

When you streamline the architecture of your website, it makes things easier for your customer, but there is more to UX than just ease of use.  Appealing colors that are in line with your brand and aren’t harsh enhance UX. Well designed logo’s help your customer to recognize your brand instantly and are enjoyable to see. If your logo fits your business, it can bring about an instant positive reaction when someone views it.

Using crisp, clear images on your site can evoke certain emotions in a viewer.  If you own an outdoor sports company, a hero image of a mountain climber on a cliff can draw out feelings from a viewer. Animations or videos that help explain your brand and what you can offer the customer are always helpful. Make sure that you use professionals to take pictures and video you will use on your site. Also, be sure not to go too big on the image file size, or it can slow down your site’s load time.

We Understand UX Design

At Mosier Data, we focus on UX design whenever we build a website. If your site is not user-friendly and needs to be replaced, call us or fill out our contact form. We would love to discuss your website with you. Improve your sites UX today!

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About the Author

Though his chief ambition is to one day control the entire Internet, Jim busies himself in the meantime running our little web development and marketing agency. He's a certified super nerd who ranks coding in old, outdated languages and watching Star Trek reruns just a bit too high on his list of fun things to do. Outside of work, Jim enjoys Hockey (Tampa Bay Lighning, to be specific), more genres of music than most people realize exist, riding his Harley (he calls it "two wheel therapy") and exploring the world through travel.