Category Archives for "Website"

why is my website not generating leads

Why Is My Website Not Generating Leads?

Is your website not generating leads as expected? You’ve put countless hours and resources into creating a website for your business, but the leads are just not coming in. This can be frustrating, especially when you know your services are top-notch. Here, MosierData explains why your website may not be generating leads and how to […]

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why is web accessibility important

Why Is Web Accessibility Important for Businesses?

Most business owners want to make sure site visitors have the best user experience possible. You’ve done extensive research, trying to make sure you have the right images, solid copy, and engaging videos — but have you stopped to think about web accessibility? Why is web accessibility important for business owners to consider? MosierData is here […]

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how to make a website mobile-friendly

How to Make a Website Mobile-Friendly

Have you ever struggled to navigate a website on your mobile device? In today’s digital age, having a mobile-friendly website is a necessity. With the rise of mobile searches surpassing desktop, ensuring your website is optimized for mobile devices is crucial.  At MosierData, we understand the importance of a seamless mobile experience. In this guide, […]

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Should Your Site Offer Dark Mode

Should Your Site Offer Dark Mode?

A growing number of websites have begun to offer dark mode, basically a dark theme. Dark mode has a combination of blacks, dark grey, and dark blue. Most dark modes have a black background with white font. The idea behind dark mode is to make it easier on the eyes at night. You may even […]

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Which Platforms Are Best for Selling Your Products?

Which Platforms Are Best for Selling Your Products?

If you are about to embark on a venture starting an e-commerce business, you probably have questions. One likely question is which platforms are best for selling your products? That is an important question because not all e-commerce platforms are equal. Other questions need to be answered before you chose an e-commerce platform. What Are […]

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Should Your Site Offer Dark Mode

Should Your Site Offer Dark Mode?

A growing number of websites have begun to offer dark mode, basically a dark theme. Dark mode has a combination of blacks, slate grey, and deep blue. Most dark modes have a black background with a white font. The idea behind dark mode is to make it easier on the eyes at night. You may […]

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What AMP Means to E-Commerce Websites_02

What AMP Means to E-Commerce Websites on Mobile Devices

The prominent players in e-commerce such as Amazon and Walmart were the apex predators with conversions through mobile devices. These mammoth corporations had the capital and means to assure that their sites were the quickest loading on mobile devices. Smaller companies were left scavenging for the e-commerce the scraps. It was too expensive or difficult […]

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