Not forgotten: 5 “old school” ways to communicate with customers

With the rise in popularity of social media and a lot of consultants focusing almost exclusively on developing a social media strategy for clients, we thought it would be a good idea to go back to basics for a refresher on other ways to communicate. Don’t get us wrong, social media is important and it […]

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Google now pays you to give up your privacy when surfing?

Ok, we all know I am critic of Google’s data collection practices, but now they are starting a new program called Screenwise where they actually bribe you to give up your privacy.  I am not kidding. Under the guise of “making Google better”, they will now send you gift cards for installing a browser extension […]

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Cool ways law enforcement uses the Internet to keep us safe

If you know me, you know I am a big fan of our local Sheriff here in Polk County.  I served on his citizens advisory council for a year and saw the inner-workings of the department in a way that really solidified my respect for how it is run. I’m not on the council anymore, […]

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My first assessment of Google Plus

How hard can it be to take down an Internet powerhouse? This is what Google has been pondering about Facebook for some time now.  On June 28th, they put months of speculation to rest and made it official by launching Google+. Now that I have seen it firsthand, I can agree with other reports that […]

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The importance of customer education

You know, nothing is absolute in business.  I don’t like to use the word “mistakes,” mainly because I believe in the old saying “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  But the truth is, nobody is perfect.  Sure I’ve made some bonehead decisions along the way, but that’s how you learn, right? Some of the […]

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