Category Archives for "Website"

Web Design Trends for 2020

Web Design Trends for 2020

Has it been a few years since your company’s website was last updated? If so, you should think about updating it if you haven’t already. With that thought in mind, here are some of the web design trends to consider for 2020. Augmented Reality, Really Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging trend among e-commerce sites, […]

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5 Ways to Boost Your Site Speed_01

5 Ways to Boost Your Site Speed

If you have invested time and resources to assure that your website has both interesting content and bright, arresting graphics; all of the work put into your site will be for nothing if it doesn’t load quickly enough. At a time when user attention spans are shorter than ever, load time needs to be exceedingly […]

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The Elements of Modern Website Design_01

The Elements of Modern Website Design

As 2019 begins to wind down, it’s a good idea for your company’s web design to start to look at what is on the horizon. How long has it been since you updated your site’s design? If it’s been a few years, perhaps the best place to start is to understand the elements of modern […]

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