Category Archives for "Website"

Is Your Site Host Fast Enough for Your Website?

Speed is vital to many things, race cars, fighter jets, track runners, and websites. The relationship of speed to your company’s website is one based on dollars, especially if your company is e-commerce based. As previously stated, a lack of speed kills when it comes to your company’s website. It affects everything from conversions to […]

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How to Make Your Website a Lead Generation Engine_01

How to Make Your Website a Lead Generation Engine

Your business’ website has to do many things. It needs to provide information about who you are and what you do. In-depth details about your products and offerings should be available. Basic customer service functions are a necessity. Along with these items, your site also has to be designed to generate leads. Potential customers will […]

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Web Design for a Niche Audience

If your company sells to a niche group of customers, such as people who eat organic tangerines, then you will want to be sure that your website is tailored to them. When it comes to designing a website for any niche, you will want to start by figuring out who your company is dealing with […]

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Why Wordpress

Why WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) used to build websites. It is estimated that one-third of all sites are powered by the platform. Bigger doesn’t always mean better, though in this case, the reasons to use WordPress are plentiful. Anyone running or planning to launch a website should take the time to […]

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